国家自然科学基金面上项目,“普适环境下发布/订阅中间件的模型和关键技术研究(60970027)” 返回上页

  • 项目起止时间:2010.1-2012.12,项目负责人:金蓓弘
  • 项目简介:发布/订阅中间件通过识别和分发用户感兴趣的各种事件,为用户提供个性化的、松耦合的信息分发手段。针对普适环境具有网络多样化、事件时空特性多样化、数据来源多样化等特点,本项目完成了下列研究工作:对已有的发布/订阅模型进行了分析,提出了一种新的复合订阅语言,该语言能指定事件的时间、空间和逻辑关系,使得用户能观察到两个或多个移动物体之间的事件;对发布/订阅中间件的关键技术进行了梳理,给出了空间事件匹配的基本方法和优化方法,提出了时间上下文感知的复合订阅匹配算法,为渠道路由设计了负载平衡策略;依托对不同环境(包括物联网、车联网、云环境)下的发布/订阅中间件的构造,进行了一系列的中间件设计分析验证和实验评估工作;针对发布/订阅中间件的部署,提出了代理部署的启发式算法,并尝试通过拼车应用进行发布/订阅中间件的应用。本项目研究结果可以为普适环境下发布/订阅中间件的开发、运行和部署提供技术基础和实践指导。
  • 研究成果-论文
    1. Donglei Cao, Beihong Jin, Sajal K. Das, Jiannong Cao, On Collaborative Tracking of a Target Group using Binary Proximity Sensors, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Elsevier), Volume 70, Issue 8, pp783-870, August 2010, SCI IF: 1.135(2009)
    2. Chen Lin, Beihong Jin, Zhenyue Long, Haibiao Chen, On Context-Aware Distributed Event Dissemination, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer), Volume 15, Issue 3, 2011, pp305-314, SCI IF: 1.554(2009)
    3. Yifeng Qian, Beihong Jin, Wenjing Fang, Heuristic Algorithms for Effective Broker Deployment, Information Technology and Management (Springer), Volume 12, Issue 2, 2011, pp 55-66, SSCI IF: 1.222 (2009)
    4. Beihong Jin, Wei Zhuo, Jiafeng Hu, Haibiao Chen, Yuwei Yang, Specifying and Detecting Spatio-Temporal Events in the Internet of Things, Decision Support Systems (Elsevier), Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 256-269, April 2013, SCI IF: 1.687 (2011), Q1 in Computer Science, Information Systems. 
    5. Haibiao Chen, Beihong Jin, Fengliang Qi, Integrating Load Balancing into Channelization Strategy in Publish/Subscribe, AINA 2010, the 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 20-23 April 2010, Perth, Australia.(EI Index)
    6. Biao Zhang, Beihong Jin, Haibiao Chen, Ziyuan Qin, Empirical Evaluation of Content-based Pub/Sub Systems over Cloud Infrastructure, EUC 2010, The 8th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, December 11-13, 2010, Hong Kong SAR, China. (EI Index)
    7. Beihong Jin, Haibiao Chen, Spatio-Temporal Events in the Internet of Things, EUC2010, December 11-13, 2010, Hong Kong SAR, China. (EI Index)
    8. Wenjing Fang, Beihong Jin, Biao Zhang, Yuwei Yang, Ziyuan Qin, Design and Evaluation of a Pub/Sub Service in the Cloud, CSC2011, 2011 International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing, December 12-14, 2011, Hong Kong, China(EI Index)
    9. Fusang Zhang, Beihong Jin, Wei Zhuo, Zhaoyang Wang, Lifeng Zhang, A Content-Based Publish/Subscribe System for Efficient Event Notification over Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, UIC 2012, The 9th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Fukuoka, Japan, September 04-07, 2012, pp. 64-71 (EI Index)
    10. Beihong Jin, Jiafeng Hu, Towards Scalable Processing for a Large-Scale Ride Sharing Service, UIC 2012, Fukuoka, Japan, September 04-07, 2012, pp. 940-944 (EI Index)
    11. Beihong Jin, Fusang Zhang, Haibin Weng, Exploring an Adaptive Architecture for Service Discovery over MANETs, UIC 2011, the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, September 2-4, 2011, Banff, Canada (EI Index)
    12. Yuanfeng Wen, Beihong Jin, Keqin Li, Albert M.K. Cheng, Wenjing Fang, A Queueing Theory Based Approach to QoS-Driven Adaptation for Service Discovery over MANETs, CSE 2012, the IEEE 15th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Paphos, Cyprus, December 5-7, 2012. (EI Index)
    13. Sen Li, Beihong Jin, Yuwei Yang, Wenjing Fang, Pyxis: An Active Replication Approach for Enhancing Social Media Services, AMT 2012, the 2012 International Conference on Active Media Technology, Macau, China, 4-7 December 2012, LNCS Vol. 7669, pp. 399-410 (EI Index)
    14. 胡佳锋,金蓓弘,禚伟,陈海彪,张利锋,空间事件的检测及优化策略研究,软件学报,2011年增刊(2): 147-156 (EI Index)
    15. 张利锋,金蓓弘,禚伟,车载自组织网络中一种连通度感知的可靠数据分发机制,计算机学报,2013年,第36卷,第4期,pp. 701-715
    16. 杨宇威,张彪,房文静,金蓓弘,云发布/订阅服务中的订阅持久化机制,计算机工程与设计,2012年10月,第33卷,第10期
    17. 禚伟,金蓓弘,陈海彪,张利峰,基于发布/订阅中间件的时空事件检测研究,计算机科学,2012年10月,第39卷,第10期
    18. 张利锋,金蓓弘,张扶桑,VANET中数据传递的关键技术,计算机科学, 2013年8月,第40卷,第8期
    19. 胡佳锋,金蓓弘,陈海彪,空间事件检测的加速策略研究,中国第七届和谐人机环境联合学术会议,HHME2011 ,北京,中国,2011年9月17日-18日
    20. 汪兆洋,金蓓弘,张扶桑,张利锋,禚伟,车载自组织网络中的数据分发机制研究,中国第八届和谐人机环境联合学术会议,HHME2012,广州,中国,2012年11月 23日-25日